Distinguished University Professor
Professor of Management Science
Operations Management Area
DeGroote School of Business (DSB-425),
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario,
L8S 4M4 Canada
1 (905) 525-9140, Ext. 22858
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Business, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
CORS 2018 Award of Merit | "Difference Maker"
MBA Teaching Award (2014) | President's Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision (2013)
Citations / Research Impact / Stanford's Top 2% / Other Awards
NSERC Discovery (Research) Grants | Research Program
Ph.D. Students | Editorial Appointments
[BOOK] * Interactive Operations Research with Maple | Degrees
2024: All of my course materials for 2024 and beyond will now be accessible from Avenue to Learn.
EMBA T711 - 2023 : Fall 2023 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn]
EMBA T711 - 2022 : Fall 2022 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn]
EMBA T711 - 2021 : Fall 2021 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn]
EMBA T711 - 2020 : Fall 2020 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]
EMBA T711 - 2019 : September 17, 18, 23, 24, 25 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]
Workshop at Bilkent: June 14, 2019 | Business Analytics with R and R Commander (Faculty of Business Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey). In this workshop I am planning to describe how I use R/Rcmdr in my Executive MBA Statistics class I teach at the DeGroote School of Business. [Link]
EMBA T711 - 2018 : September 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]
MFIN 604 Workshop : August 28, 29 | MFin Transition Week for MFin 604 MegaStat, R, and R Commander for Master of Finance students.
Install MegaStat 10.4 : You will need to register or purchase MegaStat.
Note: To access MegaStat please type in the first word of Learning Objective 3 (LO3) in Chapter 3, in the LO summary at the beginning of the chapter, as the Username and Password.
Central Limit Theorem by Visual Statistics, Chapter 8: Properties of Estimators.
Confidence Intervals by Visual Statistics, Chapter 9: One-Sample Hypothesis Tests.
April 20, 2018| Ph.D. DDSA Research Day
Life In The Academia (slides) | Periodic report | Elevator paper (first page) | Free-shipping paper (first page) | FT50 list [web] | NRL paper with revisions and our responses to referees | Double submission! | Somerset Maugham [web]
Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q782) Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")
Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q771) Stochastic Processes with Business Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's Avenue to Learn)
Fall | MFin (MFin 604) Statistics with Financial Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's Avenue to Learn)
September 23-27 | EMBA (T711) Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]
September 11-14 | MBA (L611): Business Statistics Foundations (MODULE 1: ANALYSIS) [This material is accesible from Avenue to Learn.]
September 5 | MFin (Workshop) MegaStat, R, and R Commander for Master of Finance students.
Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q783) Game Theory and Decision Analysis (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")
Fall | Master of Finance (MFin 604) Statistics with Financial Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")
September 21, 24, 25 and 26 | EMBA (T711) Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]
September 12-15 | M.B.A. (Bus L611) : Foundations, MODULE 1: ANALYSIS (Data Analytics/Statistics) [This material is accesible from Avenue to Learn.]
September 2 | Master of Finance (Workshop) MegaStat, R, and R Commander for Master of Finance students
June 21-23 | Ph.D. (Workshop) Business Analytics with R and R Commander (Zaragoza Logistics Centre Summer Academy, Spain)
Fall | M.B.A. (Bus Q600) Applied Statistics for Business (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")
Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q771) Stochastic Processes with Business Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")
September 3 and 8 | Master of Finance (Workshop) R and R Commander for Master of Finance students
July 29, 31 and August 3 | Ph.D. (Workshop) Business Analytics with R and R Commander (National University of Singapore, Decision Sciences)
Fall | M.B.A. (Bus Q600) Applied Statistics for Business (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")
Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q783) Game Theory and Decision Analysis (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")
May 9 | Master of Finance (MFin 604) Statistics Workshop (ANOVA and Nonparametric Statistics)
In this three-hour workshop (9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in DSB-B107), we will cover the basics of ANOVA and nonparametric statistics.
May 1 | Ph.D. Research Day @ DeGroote
Life In The Academia (slides) | NRL paper with revisions | FT45 list | Elevator paper (first page) | Free-shipping paper (first page) | Periodic report | Somerset Maugham
Fall | M.B.A. (Bus Q600) Applied Statistics for Business
Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q771) Stochastic Processes with Business Applications
June | Ph.D. (Workshop): Game-Theoretic Models in Supply Chain Management (Zaragoza Logistics Centre Summer Academy, Spain)
Fall | M.B.A. (Bus O711) Operations Analysis Under Uncertainty
Earlier years' materials (2010 and before) are not available online.