Mahmut Parlar, Ph.D.


Distinguished University Professor


Professor of Management Science

Operations Management Area
DeGroote School of Business (DSB-425), McMaster University
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M4 Canada
1 (905) 525-9140, Ext. 22858

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Business, Lingnan University, Hong Kong

CORS 2018 Award of Merit  | "Difference Maker"

MBA Teaching Award (2014)   |   President's Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision (2013)




Citations / Research Impact / Stanford's Top 2% / Other Awards


NSERC Discovery (Research) Grants  |  Research Program


Ph.D. Students  |  Editorial Appointments


[BOOK] * Interactive Operations Research with Maple  |  Degrees





Course (and Workshop) Websites


2024: All of my course materials for 2024 and beyond will now be accessible from Avenue to Learn.


EMBA T711 - 2023 : Fall 2023 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn]



EMBA T711 - 2022 : Fall 2022 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn]



EMBA T711 - 2021 : Fall 2021 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn]




EMBA T711 - 2020 : Fall 2020 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]




EMBA T711 - 2019 : September 17, 18, 23, 24, 25 | Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]


Workshop at Bilkent: June 14, 2019 | Business Analytics with R and R Commander (Faculty of Business Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey). In this workshop I am planning to describe how I use R/Rcmdr in my Executive MBA Statistics class I teach at the DeGroote School of Business. [Link]




EMBA T711 - 2018 : September 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]


MFIN 604 Workshop : August 28, 29 | MFin Transition Week for MFin 604  MegaStat, R, and R Commander for Master of Finance students.


MFin 604: Software Installations


MFin 604: MegaStat on Windows (Also works on Mac)

Install MegaStat 10.4 : You will need to register or purchase MegaStat.

Note: To access MegaStat please type in the first word of Learning Objective 3 (LO3) in Chapter 3, in the LO summary at the beginning of the chapter, as the Username and Password.


MFin 604: Visual Statistics Examples

Central Limit Theorem by Visual Statistics, Chapter 8: Properties of Estimators.

Confidence Intervals by Visual Statistics, Chapter 9: One-Sample Hypothesis Tests.



April 20, 2018| Ph.D. DDSA Research Day


Life In The Academia (slides)   |   Periodic report   |   Elevator paper (first page)   | Free-shipping paper (first page)   |   FT50 list [web]   |   NRL paper with revisions and our responses to referees    |   Double submission!   |   Somerset Maugham [web]





Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q782) Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")


Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q771) Stochastic Processes with Business Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's Avenue to Learn)


FallMFin (MFin 604) Statistics with Financial Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's Avenue to Learn)


September 23-27EMBA (T711) Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]


September 11-14 | MBA (L611): Business Statistics Foundations (MODULE 1: ANALYSIS) [This material is accesible from Avenue to Learn.]


September 5 | MFin  (Workshop) MegaStat, R, and R Commander for Master of Finance students.





FallPh.D. (Bus Q783) Game Theory and Decision Analysis (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")


FallMaster of Finance (MFin 604) Statistics with Financial Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")


September 21, 24, 25 and 26EMBA (T711) Statistics for Analytics [This material will be accesible from Avenue to Learn.]


September 12-15 | M.B.A. (Bus L611) : Foundations, MODULE 1: ANALYSIS (Data Analytics/Statistics) [This material is accesible from Avenue to Learn.]


September 2 | Master of Finance (Workshop) MegaStat, R, and R Commander for Master of Finance students


June 21-23Ph.D. (Workshop)  Business Analytics with R and R Commander (Zaragoza Logistics Centre Summer Academy, Spain)





Fall | M.B.A. (Bus Q600) Applied Statistics for Business (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")


Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q771) Stochastic Processes with Business Applications (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")


September 3 and 8 | Master of Finance (Workshop) R and R Commander for Master of Finance students


July 29, 31 and August 3 | Ph.D. (Workshop) Business Analytics with R and R Commander (National University of Singapore, Decision Sciences)





Fall | M.B.A. (Bus Q600) Applied Statistics for Business (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")


Fall |  Ph.D. (Bus Q783) Game Theory and Decision Analysis (The materials for this course are now on McMaster's "Avenue to Learn")


May 9 | Master of Finance (MFin 604) Statistics Workshop (ANOVA and Nonparametric Statistics)

In this three-hour workshop (9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in DSB-B107), we will cover the basics of ANOVA and nonparametric statistics.


May 1 | Ph.D. Research Day @ DeGroote

Life In The Academia (slides)  |  NRL paper with revisions  |  FT45 list  |  Elevator paper (first page)  |  Free-shipping paper (first page)  |  Periodic report  |  Somerset Maugham





Fall | M.B.A. (Bus Q600) Applied Statistics for Business


Fall | Ph.D. (Bus Q771) Stochastic Processes with Business Applications





June | Ph.D. (Workshop): Game-Theoretic Models in Supply Chain Management (Zaragoza Logistics Centre Summer Academy, Spain)





Fall | M.B.A. (Bus O711) Operations Analysis Under Uncertainty


Earlier years' materials (2010 and before) are not available online.