Both sessions will cover the same material
8:30 – 12:00 – DSB-505 – Groups 2A & 2B
14:00 – 17:30 – ABB 166 – Groups 1A & 1B
(DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada)
We will start the workshop by first introducing MegaStat (an Excel add-in). We will then justify the use of R and Rcmdr in statistical analysis. These will be followed by covering a few examples of the most important topics. These introductory comments will be helpful when we start MFin 604.
In the first ten chapters of MFin 604 we will use the Excel add-in MegaStat 10.4 (available for Windows and Mac) that can be downloaded at the following link:
If you want to see and hear videos where I explain how to install MegaStat software, please visit the following link:
Publisher's web site. This site has links to download Windows and Mac versions of MegaStat.
Installation is quite easy and it involves two steps. Here is the documentation (MegaStatInstallationInstructionsWindows.pdf) which is also available at the publisher's web site link.
Here are a few examples of using MegaStat: (We will look at these problems in more detail later in class.)
Actual GMAT scores of entering DeGroote MBA classes (2003 to 2005). Let's look at the 2003 scores.
IQ Scores of 500 individuals.
DeGroote GMAT scores (2006 Samples) : In 2006, before the admissions are finalized, we have data for 45 newly admitted students with a sample average score of 631. Do we have a good reason to believe that the true mean (when admissions close) will be at least 640? Shall we reject the null hypothesis H0: μ ≥ 640? We can solve this problem with MegaStat's Hypothesis Testing option. Check MegaStat's Help file on Hypothesis Testing for further details.
With the same dataset, we can also do a confidence interval calculation.
Basics. Installation instructions, introduction to R and R Commander (Rcmdr) and R functions for basic statistical models
Regression. R functions for multiple regression and its ramifications