M. Parlar, ``Interactive
Operations Research with Maple: Methods and Models,'' July 2000, 480
pages. Springer.
Papers Published / Accepted
- 128. M. Leng, R. Becerril-Arreola, M. Parlar, and M. Ferguson, "Disclosing Delivery Performance Information when Consumers are Sensitive to Promised Delivery Time, Delivery Reliability, and Price." Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (FT 50 Journal) Vol. 26, No. 5, September–October 2024, pp. 1918–1924.
- 127. A. Ozbilge, E. Hassini and M. Parlar, “Optimal Pricing and Donation Policy for Fresh Goods,” European Journal of Operational Research (2024), Vol. 312, pp. 198--210. [DSB45 Journal]
- 126. A. Ozbilge, E. Hassini and M. Parlar, "Perils and Merits of Cross-channel Returns," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 71, 2024, pp. 6257--6271.
- 125. M. Parlar, "Model Development with Maple in PhD-level Management Science Courses: A Personal Account,'' Springer Nature Operations Research Forum. Vol. 4, No. 17, 24pp. (2023).
- 124. Ozbilge, E. Hassini and M. Parlar, “A Review of Bricks-and-Clicks Dual-Channels Literature: Trends and Opportunities, INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. VOL. 60, NO. 4, 436–472, 2022
- 123. S.-H. Hum and M. Parlar, “Modelling and Optimization of Multilevel Marketing Operations” Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 69(4), 581--598. 2022.
- 122. Y. Zhou, M. Parlar, V. Verter and S. Fraser, “Surgical Scheduling with Constrained Patient Waiting Times”. Production and Operations Management. (FT 50 Journal). Vol. 30, #9, pp. 3253--3271. 2021
- 121. M. Parlar, "Feedback Advertising Strategies in a Two-Firm Differential Game: A Numerical Investigation," International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics. Vol. 8, #3, pp. 205--216, 2021.
- 120. I was invited by Dr. C. DeLuca (Queen's University) to "contribute to a new book aimed at doctoral students that will feature words of advice from top professors, across disciplines." My commentary should appear in the book titled, The Prosperous PhD: Advice from Award-Winning Supervisors. Edited by J. Wearing, C. DeLuca and S. MacGregor. Under contract with the University of Toronto Press.
- 119. M. Parlar, M. Sharafali and M. Goh, "Optimal control and cooperative game theory based analysis of a by-product synergy system," Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 233, Pages 731-742, (October 2019).
- 118. L. Wagner, M. C. Gurbuz and M. Parlar, "Is it Fake? Using Non-Certified Suppliers as Back-Up when Genuine Suppliers are Unavailable," International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 213, Pages 185-200, (July 2019). [DSB45 Journal]
- 117. L. Yao and M. Parlar, "Product Recall Timing Optimization Using Dynamic Programming," International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 210, pp. 1--14, (April 2019). [DSB45 Journal]
- 116. S.-H. Hum, M. Parlar and Y. Zhou, "Measurement and Optimization of Responsiveness in Supply Chain Networks with Queueing Structures," European Journal of Operational Research (2018), Vol. 264, pp. 106--118. [DSB45 Journal]
- 115. M. Parlar, B. Rodrigues and M. Sharafali, "Event-Based Allocation of Airline Check-in Counters: A Simple Dynamic Optimization Method Supported by Empirical Data," International Transactions in Operational Research. 25 (2018) 1553–1582.
- 114. M. C. Chou, M. Parlar and Y. Zhou, ``Optimal Timing to Initiate Medical Treatment for a Disease Evolving as a Semi-Markov Process,'' to appear in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. (2017) Vol. 175, pp: 194--217.
- 113. B. Bakhtiari, E. Berk, E. Hassini, and M. Parlar, "Optimal Spacing of `Covered' and `Exposed' Time Intervals in a Stochastic Process with High Penalty Costs: Applications to Parking and Insurance", INFOR. (2015), Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 142--154.
- 112. O. J. Boxma, M. Parlar and D. Perry, "A Make-to-Stock Mountain-Type Inventory Model," Annals of Operations Research, (2015) 231, pp. 65--77.
- 111. M. Leng, M. Parlar and D. Zhang, "Cooperative Game Analysis of Retail Space-Exchange Problems," European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 232, pp. 393--404, 2014. [DSB45 Journal]
- 110. S.-H. Hum and M. Parlar, "Measurement and Optimization of Supply Chain Responsiveness," in IIE Transactions. (2014) 46, 1--22.
- 109. M. Parlar and M. Sharafali, "Optimal Design of Multi-Server Markovian Queues with Polynomial Waiting and Service Costs," Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 2014, v. 30, pp. 429--443.
- 108. S. Dayanik and M. Parlar, "Dynamic bidding strategies in search-based advertising," Annals of Operations Research. December 2013, Volume 211, Issue1, pp.103--136.
- 107. M. Parlar, B. Rodrigues and M. Sharafali, "On the Allocation of Exclusive-Use Counters for Airport Check-in Queues: Static vs. Dynamic Policies," OPSEARCH, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 433--453, 2013.
- 106. R. Becerril-Arreola, M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Online Retailers' Promotional Pricing, Free-Shipping Threshold, and Inventory Decisions: A Simulation-Based Analysis," European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 230, pp. 272--283, (2013). [DSB45 Journal]
- 105. J. Huang, M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Demand Functions in Decision Modeling: A Comprehensive Survey and Research Directions," Decision Sciences, Vol. 44, No. 3, June 2013, pp. 557--609.
- 104. M. Leng, M. Parlar and D. Zhang, "The Retail Space-Exchange Problem with Pricing and Space Allocation Decisions," Production and Operations Management, Vol. 22, No. 1, January--February 2013, pp. 189--202. [FT50 Journal]
- 103.
M. Leng and M. Parlar, ``Transfer Pricing in a Multidivisional Firm: A Cooperative Game Analysis," Operations Research Letters, Vol 40, pp. 364--369, 2012.
- 102. J. Song and M. Parlar, "Analysis of a Simple Capacity Game." International Transactions in Operational Research. Vol. 19, pp. 435–461, (2012)
- 101. S. Cholette, O. Ozluk and M. Parlar, "Optimal Keyword Bids in Search-Based Advertising with Stochastic Advertisement Positions", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. Vol. 152, No.1, pp. 225--244, January 2012. Online Appendices are here: Appendices-Cholette-Ozluk-Parlar-JOTA-2012
- 100. M. Parlar, "Analysis of a (0,1) Inventory System where Demand Follows a Renewal Process". International Journal of Inventory Research. Vol. 1, Nos. 3/4, pp. pp. 262-287, 2011.
- 99. S. Wu and M. Parlar, "Games with Incomplete Information: A Simplified Exposition with Inventory Management Applications," International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 133, Issue 2, Pages 562-577, October 2011. [Typos] [DSB45]
- 98. J. Chen, F. Chen, M. Parlar, Y. Xiao, ``Optimal Inventory and Admission Policies for
Drop-Shipping Retailers Serving In-Store and Online
Customers.'' IIE Transactions. Vol. 43, pp. 332--347, 2011.
- 97. J. Feng, L. Liu and M. Parlar, "An Efficient Dynamic Optimization Method for Sequential Identification of Group-Testable Items." IIE Transactions, Vol. 43, pp. 69--83, 2011.
- 96. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Analytic Solution for the Nucleolus of a Three-Player Cooperative Game." Naval Research Logistics. Vol. 57, pp. 667--672, 2010.
- 95. M. Parlar, D. Perry and W. Stadje, "FIFO Versus LIFO Issuing Policies for Stochastic Perishable Inventory Systems." Methodology & Computing in Applied Probability. Vol. 12, pp. 1--13, 2010.
- 94. S. Cetinkaya and M. Parlar, "A One-Time Excess Inventory Disposal Decision under a Stationary Base-Stock Policy." Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 28: pp. 1--18, 2010.
- 93. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Game-Theoretic Analyses of Decentralized Assembly Supply Chains: Non-Cooperative Equilibria vs. Coordination with Cost-Sharing Contracts." European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 204, pp. 96--104, 2010. [DSB45]
- 92. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "A Note on Optimal `Riskless' and `Risk' Prices for the Newsvendor Problem with an Assembly Cost." International Journal of Inventory Research. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 209--219, 2010.
- 91. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Lead-Time Reduction in a Two-Level Supply Chain: Non-Cooperative Equilibria vs. Coordination with a Profit-Sharing Contract." Internationial Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 118, No. 2, pp. 521--544, April 2009. [DSB45]
- 90. J. S. K. Ang, C. Cao, M. Parlar, and H.-Q. Ye. "Two-Stage Stochastic
Integer Programming Model for Multi-Period Sea Cargo Mix Problem in Container
Shipping Industry." IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics--Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 460--465, March 2009.
- 89. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Allocation of Cost Savings in a Three-Level
Supply Chain with Demand Information Sharing: A Cooperative Game Approach." Operations Research, Vol 57, No. 1, January-February 2009, pp. 200--213. [FT50]
- 88. M. Parlar and M. Sharafali, "Dynamic Allocation of Airline Check-in
Counters: A Queueing Optimization Approach." Management
Science, Vol. 54, No. 8, August 2008, pp. 1410--1424. [FT50]
- 87. M. Parlar, D. Perry, W. Stadje, "Optimal Shopping when the Sales are
on: A Markovian Full-Information Best-Choice Problem." Stochastic Models,
Vol. 23, No.3, July 2007, pp. 351--371.
- 86. Shaul K. Bar-Lev, Mahmut Parlar, David Perry, Wolfgang Stadje and Frank
A. Van der Duyn Schouten, "Applications of Bulk Queues to Group Testing
Models with Incomplete Identification," European Journal of Operational
Research, Vol. 183, 2007, pp. 226--23. [DSB45]
85. L. Liu, M. Parlar, and X. Zhu, "Pricing and leadtime decisions in decentralized
supply chains". Management Science, Vol. 53, No. 5, May 2007, pp.
713--725. [FT50]
84. F. Chen and M. Parlar, "Value of a Put Option to the Risk-Averse Newsvendor."
Transactions, 39, 2007, pp. 481--500. [In March 2008, this paper (#84) was selected for the IIE Transactions
on Scheduling and Logistics Best Paper Award.]
- 83. F.-S. Chou and M. Parlar, "Optimal Control of a Revenue Management
System with Dynamic Pricing Facing Linear Demand." Optimal Control Applications
and Methods, 2006, 27, pp. 323--347.
- 82. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Game-Theoretic Analysis of an Ancient Chinese
Horse Race Problem." Computers and Operations Research, Volume 33,
Issue 7, July 2006, pp. 2033-2055.
- 81. M. Parlar, M. Sharafali and J. Ou, "Optimal Parking of Idle Elevators
Under Myopic and State-Dependent Policies." European Journal of Operational
Research, 170, 2006, pp. 863--886.
- 80. M. Parlar and Z. K. Weng, "Coordinating Pricing and Production Decisions
in the Presence of Price Competition." European Journal of Operational
Research, 170 (2006), pp. 211--227. [In
May 2006 this paper (#80) was ranked 15 among the top most requested EJOR
papers for the period October-December 2005 on ScienceDirect .] [DSB45]
- 79. J. Ou, M. Parlar and M. Sharafali , "A Differentiated Service Scheme
to Optimize Website Revenues." Journal of the Operational Research Society,
57, (2006), #11, 1323--1340.
- 78. H. Chen and M. Parlar, "Dynamic Analysis of the Newsboy Model with
Early Purchase Commitments." International Journal of Services and Operations
Management, 1, #1, 2005, pp. 56--74.
- 77. Z. K. Weng and M. Parlar, "Managing Build-To-Order Short Life-Cycle
Products: Benefits of Pre-Season Price Incentives with Standardization."
of Operations Management, 23 (2005) 482--495. [FT50]
- 76. F.-S. Chou and M. Parlar, "Optimal Quota Allocation For a Revenue-Maximizing
Auction Holder Facing a Random Number of Bidders". International Transactions
in Operational Research. 12 (2005) pp. 559--580.
- 75. O. Berman, M. Parlar, D. Perry and M. J. M. Posner, "Production/Clearing
Models Under Continuous and Sporadic Reviews." Methodology and Computing
in Applied Probability, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2005, pp. 203--224.
- 74. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Game Theoretic Applications in Supply Chain
Management: A Review," INFOR, Vol. 43, #3, August 2005, pp. 187--220.
- 73. M. Leng and M. Parlar, "Free Shipping and Purchasing Decisions in B2B
Transactions: A Game-Theoretical Analysis." IIE Transactions, 37,
#12, December 2005, pp. 1119 - 1128.
- 72. M. Parlar, "A Simplified Treatment of Brownian Motion and Stochastic
Differential Equations Arising in Financial Mathematics." PRIMUS---Problems,
Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Vol. XIV,
Number 3, September 2004, pp. 269--287.
- 71. S. Çetinkaya and M. Parlar, "Computing a Stationary Base-Stock
Policy for a Finite Horizon Stochastic Inventory Problem with Nonlinear
Shortage Costs." Stochastic Analysis and Applications. Vol. 22,
No. 3, pp. 589--625, 2004.
- 70. M. Parlar and Z. K. Weng, "Balancing Desirable but Conflicting Objectives
in the Newsvendor Problem." IIE Transactions, Vol. 35, pp. 131--142, 2003.
- 69. S. Çetinkaya and M. Parlar, "Optimality Conditions
for an (s,S) Policy with Proportional and Lump-Sum Penalty Costs." Management
Science, Vol. 48, #12, December 2002. [#69] [FT50]
- 68. M. Karakul and M. Parlar, ``Optimal Switchover Times
Between Two Activities Utilizing the Same Resource,'' Naval Research
Logistics, Vol. 49, pp. 186--203, 2002. [#68]
- 67. C. Kwan and M. Parlar, ``Portfolio Selection with Round-Lot
Holdings.'' Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management,
Vol 9, pp. 133--163, 2002. [#67]
- 66. R. Deaves and M. Parlar, ``A Generalized Bootstrap Method
to Determine the Yield Curve.'' Applied Mathematical Finance, Vol.
7, No. 4, pp. 257--270, December 2000. [#66]
65. M. Parlar, ``Probabilistic Analysis of Renewal Cycles:
An Application to a Non-Markovian Inventory Problem with Multiple Objectives,''
Research, Vol. 48, No. 2, March--April 2000, pp. 243--255. [#65] [FT50]
64. Z. Kevin Weng and M. Parlar, ``Integrating Early Sales
with Production Decisions: Analysis and Insights.'' IIE Transactions
on Scheduling and Logistics, Vol. 31, No. 11, November 1999, pp. 1051--1060.
63. M. Parlar and G. O. Wesolowsky, ``Specification Limits,
Capability Indices and Process Centering in Assembly Manufacturing.'' Journal
of Quality Technology. Vol. 31, No. 3, July 1999, pp. 317--325. [#63]
62. Y. Gerchak and M. Parlar, ``Allocating Resources to R&D
Projects in a Competitive Environment.'' IIE Transactions on Operations
Engineering. Vol. 31, No. 9, September 1999, pp. 827--834. [#62]
61. S. Ozekici and M. Parlar, ``Inventory Models with Unreliable
Suppliers in a Random Environment''. Annals of Operations Research,
Vol. 91, 1999, pp. 123--136. [#61]
60. S. Cetinkaya and M. Parlar, ``Optimal Myopic Policy for
a Stochastic Inventory Problem with Fixed and Proportional Costs.'' European
Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 110, No.1, October 1998, pp.
20--41. [#60] [DSB45]
59. S. Cetinkaya and M. Parlar, ``Nonlinear Programming Analysis
to Estimate Implicit Inventory Backorder Costs.'' Journal of Optimization
Theory and Applications, Vol. 97, No. 1, April 1998, pp. 71--92.
58. U. Gurler and M. Parlar, ``An Inventory Problem with
Two Randomly Available Suppliers''. Operations Research, Vol. 45,
No. 6, pp. 904--918. November--December 1997. [#58] [FT50]
57. M. Parlar and Z.K. Weng, '' Designing a Firm's Coordinated Manufacturing
and Supply Decisions with Short Product Life-Cycles.'' Management Science.
Vol. 43, No. 10, (1997), pp. 1329-1344. [#57] [FT50]
56. S. Cetinkaya and M. Parlar, ``Optimal Non-Myopic Gambling Strategy
for the Generalized Kelly Criterion.'' Naval Research Logistics.
Vol. 44, pp. 639--654 (1997). [#56]
55. M. Parlar, '' Stationary and Time-Dependent Policies for the Substitute
Teacher Pool Problem.'' Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. Vol. 31,
No. 2, (1997), pp. 139-146. [#55]
54. M. Parlar, '' Continuous-Review Inventory Problem with Random Supply
European Journal of Operational Research. Vol.
99, (1997), pp. 366-385. [#54] [DSB45]
53. S. K. Bar-Lev, M. Parlar and D. Perry, '' Analysis of a Two-Sided Production
Policy with Inventory Level Dependent Production Rates." Applied Stochastic
Models and Data Analysis. Vol. 12, (1996), pp. 221-237. [#53]
52. D. Cho, P. L. Abad and M. Parlar, '' A Markov Decision Process Approach
to Repairable-Item Inventory Problem." Probability Models and Statistics:
A J. Medhi Festschrift, pp. 181--198. New Age International Ltd., Publishers.
New Delhi, India. (1996) [#52]
51. M. Parlar and D. Perry, ``Inventory Models of Future Supply Uncertainty
with Single and Multiple Suppliers''. Naval Research Logistics,
Vol. 43, (1996), pp. 191--210. [#51]
50. M. Parlar, Y. Wang and Y. Gerchak, ``A Periodic Review Inventory Model
with Markovian Supply Availability: Optimality of (s,S) Policies''. International
Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 42, (1995), pp. 131--136. [#50] [DSB45]
49. S. K. Bar-Lev, M. Parlar and D. Perry, ''Optimal Sequential Decisions
for the Identification of Group Testable Items". Sequential Analysis,
Vol. 14, #1, pp. 41--57, (1995). [#49]
48. M. Parlar and Q. Wang, "A Game Theoretical Analysis of the Quantity
Discount Problem with Perfect and Incomplete Information About the Buyer's
Cost Structure". RAIRO--Operations Research. Vol. 29, No. 4, pp.
415-439, (1995). [#48]
47. M. Parlar and D. Perry, "Analysis of a (Q,r,T) Inventory Policy with
Deterministic and Random Yields when Future Supply is Uncertain", European
Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 84, #2, 431--443, (1995). [#47] [DSB45]
46. S. K. Bar-Lev, M. Parlar and D. Perry, "On the EOQ Model with Inventory
Level Dependent Demand Rate and Random Yield", Operations Research Letters,
Vol. 16, 167--176, (1994). [#46]
45. Q. Wang and M. Parlar, "A Three-Person Game Theory Model of the Substitutable
Product Inventory Problem with Random Demands", European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol. 76, 83--97, (1994). [#45] [DSB45]
44. M. Parlar and Q. Wang, "Discounting Decisions in a Supplier-Buyer Relationship
Under a Linear Buyer's Demand", IIE Transactions, Vol. 26, 2, 34--41,
(1994). [#44]
43. M. Parlar, "Single Facility Location Problem with Region Dependent
Distance Metrics", International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.
25, 513--525, (1994). [#43]
42. Y. Aneja and M. Parlar, "Algorithms for Weber Facility Location in
the Presence of Forbidden Regions and/or Barriers to Travel", Transportation
Science, Vol. 28, 1, 70--76, (February 1994). [#42] [DSB45]
41. D. Cho, P. Abad and M. Parlar, "Optimal Production and Maintenance
Decisions when a Machine Experiences Age-Dependent Deterioration", Optimal
Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 14, 153--167, (1993). [#41]
40. M. Büyükkurt and M. Parlar, "A Comparison of Allocation Policies
in a Two-Echelon Repairable-Item Inventory Model". International Journal
of Production Economics, 29, pp. 291--302, (1993). [#40] [DSB45]
39. M. Parlar and D. Wang, "Diversification Under Yield Randomness in Inventory
Models", European Journal of Operational Research, 66, 1, pp. 52--64,
(1993). [#39] [DSB45]
38. S. K. Bar-Lev, M. Parlar and D. Perry, "Impulse Control of a Brownian
Inventory System with Supplier Uncertainty". Stochastic Analysis and
Applications, 11, No. 1, pp. 11--27, (1993). [#38]
37. M. Parlar and R. Rempala, "A Stochastic Inventory Problem with Piecewise
Quadratic Holding Cost Function Containing a Cost-Free Interval", Journal
of Optimization Theory and Applications, 75, No. 1, (1992), 133--153.
36. M. Parlar and R. Rempala, "A Stochastic Inventory Problem with Piecewise
Quadratic Costs", International Journal of Production Economics,
26, (1992), 327--332. [#36] [DSB45]
35. M. Parlar, "Exact Formulae for the Distributions of Cycle Cost and
Cycle Length in an Inventory Problem with Supply Interruptions", Assam
Statistical Review, 5, No. 1-2, (1991), 93--101. [#35]
34. Y. Gerchak and M. Parlar, "Investing in Reducing Lead-Times and Their
Randomness in Continuous Review Inventory Models", Engineering Costs
and Production Economics, 21, (1991), 191--197. [#34]
33. D. Cho and M. Parlar, "A Survey of Maintenance Models for Multi-Unit
European Journal of Operational Research, 51, (1991),
1--23. [#33] [DSB45]
32. M. Parlar and D. Berkin, "Future Supply Uncertainty in EOQ Models",
Research Logistics, 38, (1991), 107--121. [#32]
- 31. Y. Gerchak, M. Parlar and S. S. Sengupta, "On Manpower Planning in the Presence of Learning", Engineering Costs and Production Economics, Vol. 20, pp. 295--303, 1990 .[#31]
- 30. Y. Gerchak and M. Parlar, "Yield Randomness, Cost Tradeoffs and Diversification in the EOQ Model", Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 37, pp. 341--354, 1990. [#30]
- ...
- 1. M. Parlar, R. G. Vickson, "An Optimal Control Problem with Piecewise Quadratic Cost Functional Containing a `Dead-Zone' ", Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Vol. 1, #4, pp. 361--372, October--December 1980. [#1]