Google Scholar search.
Most recent count: 8,803 citations, h-index of 43, i10-index of 88
January 1, 2025: 8,803 citations, h-index of 43, i10-index of 88.
January 1, 2024: 8,455 citations, h-index of 43, i10-index of 85.
January 1, 2023: 8,095 citations, h-index of 42, i10-index of 82.
January 1, 2022: 7,727 citations, h-index of 41, i10-index of 82.
January 1, 2021: 7,370 citations, h-index of 41, i10-index of 78.
January 1, 2020: 6,869 citations, h-index of 41, i10-index of 75.
January 1, 2019, 6,464 citations, h-index of 40, i10-index of 71.
For the current count (and the current h-index and i10-index), click on the following link:
My current Google Scholar citation count
Note: The Google Scholar citation count admittedly results in a somewhat inflated number since it includes citations appearing in working papers, internet links, etc. Ideally, one should use the ISI Citation Database to count real citations appearing in journals and (a few) proceedings listed in the ISI database. (This database is accessed online under the name Web of Science.) Unfortunately, not everyone has access to this database, and even when access is possible, it is really difficult to count the citations because the results are scattered across several pages.) In my estimation, the true citation count that would be obtained from ISI is probably around 60% of what one finds in Google Scholar.
I am listed in the "Stanford's Top 2% Scientists 2023" dataset. This "list is an emerging ranking that identifies scholars who are top-cited in their respective fields." For further details, see Stanford's Top 2% Scientists.
Downloading all files from Elsevier Data Repository creates a .zip file. The first Excel file <Table_1_Authors_career_2022_pubs_since_1788_wopp_extracted_202310.xlsx> gives a complete list of all Top 2% Scientists.
Parlar, Mahmut | DeGroote School of Business | can | 116 | 1980 | 2024 | 63,553 |
In April 2021, McMaster University Senate uninamously voted to honour me with the title "Distinguished University Professor."
The announcement in the following link states; "The title, which is restricted to no more than 2 per cent [currently 22] of all full-time faculty members, is the highest honour the University can bestow." Article in Daily News.
List of Distinguished University Professors
I received this award on June 5, 2018 during the 2018 CORS Conference that took place in Halifax. List of all recipients.
The citation for the award reads, "The Award of Merit recognizes distinguished CORS members who have made significant contributions to the profession of operational research. Given your long and impressive track-record on all frontiers of research (theory, practice, and software), teaching and service, it is truly a honor for the Awards Committee to acknowledge your great contribution and positive influence to OR."
[Click for picture of the Certificate]
Dr. Majid Taghavi tweeted about this event.
I was appointed as the inaugural Distinguished Business Research Professor on December 15, 2014. This new position was approved by McMaster University Senate on December 10, 2014 and announced in the Faculty of Business meeting the following day. Link.
Effective July 1, 2023, the title of Distinguished Business Research Professor was updated to Business Research Chair.
This is a 10-year term appointment which expired at the end of February 2025.
On November 21, 2014, I received the 2014 Dr. S. J. Basu Teaching Award (600-level MBA) [click for picture of the plaque].
On September 6, 2013, I received the (McMaster) President's Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision [click for picture].
My paper; F. Chen and M. Parlar, "Value of a Put Option to the Risk Averse Newsvendor," IIE Transactions, 39, 2007, pp. 481--500, was selected for the IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics Best Paper Award [click for picture]. We heard about this award in March 2008 and the official announcement was made on May 19, 2008 during the IIE Annual Conference that took place in Vancouver.
My paper, M. Parlar and Z. K. Weng, "Coordinating Pricing and Production Decisions in the Presence of Price Competition." European Journal of Operational Research, 170 (2006), pp. 211--227 was ranked 15 among the top most requested EJOR papers for the period October-December 2005 on ScienceDirect.
I was awarded the DeGroote School of Business Faculty Research Excellence Award presented for the first time in March 2006.
The UTD report lists 4 of my papers (two in Operations Research and two in Management Science). The study reports that 10 faculty members at DeGroote have published a total of 17 papers in these journals in the period stated.
One of my papers that was co-authored with Danny I. Cho in 1991 has been chosen by the current and past editors of the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) as one of the most influential EJOR papers (top 18) in the 30 years of its publication history.
According to the tables shown on the web page and in Erkut's paper, McMaster's DeGroote School of Business received a No. 1 rating based on the papers-per-person metric, and a No. 2 rating based on citations-per-person metric. (DeGroote School's ratings become 3th and 6th, respectively, when one considers the adjusted---and more stringent---metrics of paper-credits-per-person and citation-credits-per-person.)
The following table summarizes my contributions to the performance of the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University:
1990-1999 |
My contributions |
Erkut states that during the 1990--1999 period the average number of paper-credits for all Canadian academics who have published papers in an ISI-indexed journal was 2.5 (vs. my 16.5) and average number of citation-credits was 11.9 (vs. my 82.6). He adds that ``Only 1.4% of authors received more than 10 paper credits." Since my paper-credits total 16.5, Erkut's data indicate that my record would probably be placed in the neighbourhood of top 1% among all Canadian business school academics who have published papers in the study period (1157 Professors).
A more recent study conducted internally at the DeGroote School of Business has revealed that between 1999--2003, I had received a total of 168 citations, thus bringing my citations between 1990--2003 to a total of more than 300.